Positive Connections
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
My intention is to reach out to you all once a month to let you know about some of the important things happening around the school. I have no idea what happened to April, however; maybe it was a busy month for you all as well and you didn’t even notice a blog post was missing!
April ended up being incredibly busy, with some of the highlights being a successful and first-ever Literacy Week at Bondar and stations, treats, dancing and a dress up day for Vaisakhi. Thank you to all staff for your ideas and efforts in creating support and excitement around literacy and thank you to Mrs. Kooner for making this Vaisakhi special at Bondar. Another special event that took place was the fieldtrip to Chief Dan George’s rendition of Aladdin for Divisions 1 to 9; thank you to Mrs. Gagne for organizing the entire trip for everyone. We are so lucky to have staff that are willing to go the extra mile to provide engaging opportunities for students and to have parents that are able to support us by offering their time and or skills in volunteering at the school.
The relationships that we have with one another are the key to ensuring the healthy and successful functioning of the school community. It is crucial that we take care of these connections that we have and strive to always treat others with respect, even when concerns arise, whether those concerns be amongst the adults or between students in the school. We want all members of our community to feel safe, happy, respected and as though they belong, and we are committed to supporting individuals and families through the resolution of any conflicts that arise. Let’s keep working together.
Thank you for continuing to bring your enthusiasm, positivity and energy into the school each day. I hope that you enjoy what promises to be a sunny, summery week!